On Wisdom Based


Seeing the Trinity of Body, Feelings, Mind and Dharma through the Maha Satipatthana Sutta.


In Buddhism, the concept of wisdom base refers to the understanding of the true nature of reality.  It is considered to be the foundation upon which the other aspects of the Eightfold Path, such as Right Understanding, Right Thought, and Right Concentration, are built.

The wisdom base is developed through the study and practice of the Four Noble Truths, which are:

Dukkha : The Truth of Suffering

Samudaya : The Truth of the Cause of Suffering

Nirodha : The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering

Magga : The Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation of Suffering

By understanding these truths, individuals are able to see the nature of reality as it truly is, without being misled by ignorance, craving, or hatred.  This understanding is considered essential for the attainment of enlightenment and the cessation of suffering.

Wisdom base also includes the understanding of dependent origination, emptiness, and the non-self nature of things.